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August 30


Akka Http 10.0.x / 10.1.x DoS vulnerability found

Dear hakkers,

we want to inform you that a bug in Akka HTTP has been found that can be used as a Denial-Of-Service against Akka HTTP servers when using decodeRequest and decodeRequestWith directives on Akka HTTP servers.

As the problem was shared publicly with us we want to give advance notice about it and provide a workaround until the release of fixed versions of Akka HTTP.

Please subscribe to the akka-security mailing list to be notified promptly about future security issues.

When reporting security relevant information, please follow our guidelines for reporting vulnerabilities.


Directives decodeRequest and decodeRequestWith which handle compressed request data don’t limit the amount of uncompressed data flowing out of it. In combination with common request directives like entity(as), toStrict, or formField, this can lead to excessive memory usage ultimately leading to an out of memory situation when highly compressed data is received (so-called “Zip Bomb”).

Any code that uses decodeRequest or decodeRequestWith is likely to be affected.


Until we publish a fix that will limit the amount of memory by default, you can use this custom directive instead of decodeRequest to guard against excessive decompressed data:


def safeDecodeRequest(maxBytes: Long): Directive0 =
 decodeRequest & mapRequest(_.mapEntity {
   case c: HttpEntity.Chunked  c.copy(chunks = HttpEntity.limitableChunkSource(c.chunks))
   case e                      e
 }) & withSizeLimit(maxBytes)

And replace all decodeRequest usages with



  RequestEntity chunkedWithLimit(RequestEntity entity) {
    if (entity.isChunked())
      return entity;
  Route safeDecodeRequest(long maxBytes, Supplier<Route> inner) {
      decodeRequest(() ->
        mapRequest(req -> req.withEntity(chunkedWithLimit(req.entity())), () ->
          withSizeLimit(maxBytes, inner)

And replace all decodeRequest(innerRoute) with

safeDecodeRequest(maxDecompressedBytesToSupport, innerRoute)

See for full code including imports.


The CVSS score of this vulnerability is 7.3 (High), based on vector AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H/E:H/RL:W/RC:C.

Rationale for the score:

  • A:H: Server runs into OOM, so availability is highly affected.
  • E:H: It’s relatively simple to exploit.

Affected Versions

All released Akka HTTP versions are affected:

  • 10.1.x <= 10.1.4
  • 10.0.x <= 10.0.13

Not affected:

  • Play and Lagom applications, even though both are using Akka HTTP as their server backend, remain unaffected by this vulnerability. This is because they implement their own content length validations on top of the underlying models (by using BodyParsers).

Fixed Versions

We will release fixed versions as soon as possible.

Happy and safe hakking!

– The Akka Team