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October 23


Native Akka Streams in Spring Web and Boot via Alpakka

In today’s blog post we want to highlight a specific new integration that has landed in Alpakka. Specifically, it allows you to seamlessly integrate with your[javadsl|scaladsl].Source types in your Spring Web applications, and have them be understood by Spring natively.

Alpakka, is our way of solving the Reactive Enterprise Integration problem. We do so by providing a collection of streaming plug-and-play connectors to various technologies. Today we’d like to highlight one specific integration, since it’s the result of the Reactive Streams initiative, which we were part of from its inception. And also explains what its successful inclusion in the Java 9 means for the future of inter-operability of Reactive Streams based libraries.

On a related note, Akka Streams is one of the first libraries to provide native support for Java 9’s java.util.concurrent.Flow.* (as of writing, Spring does not provide this support yet, while RxJava provides bridges separately packaged), so if you’re looking for a future-ready Reactive Streams implementation, simply use Akka Streams 2.5.6+ and you’re ready to go.

Let’s focus on today’s highlight though, the new Spring Web compatibility module:

Using Akka Streams natively in Spring Web endpoints

Thanks to Alpakka’s integration code (included since version 0.14), you’re now able to depend on the akka-stream-alpakka-spring-web Alpakka module:

// build.gradle
dependencies {
  compile group: 'com.lightbend.akka', name: 'akka-stream-alpakka-spring-web_2.12', version: "VERSION_HERE"
  // the latest version as of writing this blog post was 0.14, but please always include the latest version

And right away you’re able to return Akka Streams in your Spring Web (thus also Spring Boot) endpoints, like this for example:

import akka.NotUsed;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class SampleController {

  public Source<String, NotUsed> index() {
      Source.repeat("Hello world!")


How does this work? Why is Reactive Streams important?

One may think that this integration was a lot of work, and in days before Reactive Streams that would have certainly been true. Now thankfully many major libraries provide support for Reactive Streams, which means that inter-op and the same semantics can be assumed from them.

In this case, since Akka Streams implement Reactive Streams, and Spring now provides a way to register Reactive Streams type adapters, libraries can use that to provide this inter-op very trivially – by exposing their internal Flow.Publisher/Flow.Subscriber which then “just works”. The same can be said about adapting other RS implementations to be used in Akka Streams - you can simply wrap them into a Source or Sink, perserving all RS semantics.

In this specific case, we implemented a so-called ReactiveAdapter, and handle all the configuration for you. While we think that the naming here is somewhat misleading, since Reactive is a lot more than just the Reactive Streams interfaces (with which this Adapter works), however this pluggable architecture makes it nice for implementations to provide their own adapters. Spring’s own Reactor, in fact, uses this Adapter mechanism, so this indeed can be seen as completely “native” support.