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July 17


Akka HTTP 10.1.9 Released

Dear hakkers,

We are happy to announce the 10.1.9 release of Akka HTTP. This release is the tenth release in the 10.1.x series of Akka HTTP. Among other things, this release contains a number of improvements to the HTTP/2 server support which is used in Akka gRPC. See the full list of changes below.

Changes since 10.1.8

For a full overview you can also see the 10.1.9 milestone:

  • Don’t use a https connection pool for http connections (javadsl) #2562
  • Add String-to-UUID unmarshaller to the predefined Scala unmarshallers #2505
  • Improve validation in uuid unmarshaller #2569
  • Fix missing header rejection for custom headers #2487
  • Fix case of nested FormField if first formField usage is with single parameter #2524
  • Support ‘streaming back’ an uploaded file #2582
  • Allow HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 on the same port without TLS or Upgrade headers #2543
  • Retired the UseHttp2 setting: when enabled, HTTP/2 is now always available #2557
  • Add akka.http.server.http2.log-frames for verbose frame logging for debugging purposes #2561
  • Fix reception of unexpected mid-stream HEADERS frame with endStream=false #2557
  • Close HTTP/2 streams earlier #2551
  • Upgrade caffeine to 2.7 which removes need for dummyLoader #2443
  • Add Cache.put method to refresh cached value without removing it first #2385


The complete list of closed issues can be found on the 10.1.9 milestone on GitHub.

For this release we had the help of 21 contributors – thank you all very much!

commits  added  removed
     20   1188      920 Arnout Engelen
     12   6165     6192 Johannes Rudolph
      3     76       50 Dale Wijnand
      2    194      118 Josep Prat
      2     79        7 ashish kumar
      2     18       30 Konstantin Bespalov
      2     13       12 Philippus Baalman
      2     19        2 Enno Runne
      1    311       50 Viktor Klang (√)
      1    160       78 Takuya Kajiwara
      1    118        0 Erik LaBianca
      1     40       56 tanaka takaya
      1     52        7 Matt Fulgo
      1     33        2 Pavels Sisojevs
      1     28        2 Lari Hotari
      1      9       11 Jimin Hsieh
      1     20        0 Maxim Skripnik
      1      2        3 Mikel Anabitarte
      1      2        2 redscarf
      1      1        1 Ignasi Marimon-Clos
      1      1        1 Kamal Raj Sekar

Thanks to Lightbend for their continued sponsorship of the Akka core team’s efforts. Lightbend offers commercial support for Akka.

Happy hakking!

– The Akka Team