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February 21


Alpakka Kafka 1.0-RC2 Released

Dear hakkers,

We’re now reaching the end of the Road to Alpakka 1.0 and are very close to finish things up in both the main Alpakka project and Alpakka Kafka. From version 1.0 Alpakka will stay binary-compatible between minor releases.

We do not expect any further changes before releasing Alpakka Kafka 1.0 final!

Highlights of the new release are:

  • Expose consumer and producer factories as API
  • Keep to the commit refresh deadlines per partition
  • Testkit support for JUnit 5 and use of sbt-jupiter-interface internally
  • Upgrade to Akka 2.5.21

Some of these changes have been developed or initiated by the community. A big thank you for everyone involved!

For detailed changes and credits take a look at the release notes in the Alpakka Kafka connector documentation.

Happy hakking!

– The Alpakka Team