LATEST RELEASE: 24.05 — Zero Trust, DB Sharding, Java 21, Rust Support, and More. Read Release Notes

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January 29


Akka 2.5.20 Released

Dear hakkers,

We are pleased to announce a new patch release of Akka 2.5. Some notable improvements and bug fixes in 2.5.20 are:

  • Discovery and DNS APIs are now stable
  • New stream functionality: SourceWithContext and FlowWithContext allows for keeping a context object “on the side” while processing an element. #25951
  • Improvements of default shard rebalancing algorithm, #26012
  • The serializer manifest is now logged when a serializer is missing to help figuring out such errors #26217
  • The cluster join compatibility check now supports rolling upgrades #26194
  • An optimization to AtLeastOnceDelivery - only tick when there are unconfirmed deliveries #26216
  • Terminate StreamRef on node failure #25960
  • SelfUniqueAddress instead of Cluster parameter in some Distributed Data types (old signatures have been deprecated) #25746

A total of 72 issues were closed since 2.5.19. The complete list can be found on the 2.5.20 milestone on github.

API changes in Akka Typed

  • The Java command and event handler builders in Persistence Typed are now mutable and created through newCommandHandlerBuilder and newEventHandlerBuilder, additional improvements has also been done to the builder APIs #26109
  • A typed actor can now pipe the completed value of a Future/CompletionStage to itself #26199
  • Behavior for logging all incoming messages to an actor to replace the corresponding functionality for untyped actors #26226
  • More improvements


For this release we had the help of 34 committers – thank you all very much!

commits  added  removed
     24   3942     1367 Patrik Nordwall
     15  11972     9290 kerr
     10    842      674 Arnout Engelen
      9   1532      917 Helena Edelson
      8    260       86 Dale Wijnand
      6   1513      205 Renato Cavalcanti
      5    217       23 Johan Andrén
      4     66      160 Christopher Batey
      4    137       10 Seeta Ramayya
      2    584      248 Johannes Rudolph
      2    435      306 James Roper
      2     86       52 Guillaume Massé
      2     23        1 Nicolas Vollmar
      2      6        6 Seth Tisue
      1    727        1 Raymond Roestenburg
      1    209      207 Tim Moore
      1    247        3 Sean Glover
      1    188       22 Adrien Mannocci
      1    149        3 Martin Grotzke
      1     53       58 Jeffrey Chung
      1     87        2 Michael Kholodov
      1     39        0 airt
      1     24        4 Karl Sjöstrand
      1     15        1 mszczygiel
      1     10        0 Karel Čemus
      1      8        0 Josep Prat
      1      2        2 Aleksei Molokovskikh
      1      2        2 Martynas Mickevičius
      1      2        2 RomanIakovlev
      1      1        1 Pierre-Marie Padiou
      1      1        1 Dávid István Bíró
      1      1        1 Oleksandr Sova
      1      1        1 balteo
      1      1        1 Marcos Pereira

Happy hakking!

– The Akka Team