LATEST RELEASE: 24.05 — Zero Trust, DB Sharding, Java 21, Rust Support, and More. Read Release Notes

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May 02


Akka 2.5.1 Released!

Dear hakkers,

we—the Akka committers—are proud to announce Akka 2.5.1, which is the first maintenance release of Akka 2.5.

Some notable improvements and bug fixes are:

  • Limiting the number of concurrent PersistentActor recoveries (#22638)
  • Some stream stages may leak resources on materializer shutdown #22652
  • Fix memory usage problem when using Artery large-message-destinations (#22723)
  • Do not create durable data files for cluster sharding unless needed (#22759) startPosition option for FileIO.fromFile (#19483)
  • Use java.nio in favour of FileInputStream/FileOutputStream (#22733)
  • Update to Aeron 1.2.5 (#22738)


A total of 25 issues were closed since 2.5.0.

The complete list of closed issues can be found on the 2.5.1 milestone on github.

For this release we had the help of 22 committers – thank you all very much!

commits  added  removed
     11    638       85 Patrik Nordwall
      7    144       55 Arnout Engelen
      2    333       71 Johan Andrén
      2     61       22 Enno
      1    521      502 henrikengstrom
      1    331       47 Gilad Hoch
      1    171       20 Cedric CORBIERE
      1     95        4 astonchev
      1     25       23 Guido Medina
      1     18       17 Konrad `ktoso` Malawski
      1     16        0 loostro
      1     12        2 Juan Jose Lopez Martin
      1      2        4 Gergő Törcsvári
      1      2        2 Heiko Seeberger
      1      2        2 Tim Moore
      1      1        1 Martynas Mickevičius
      1      1        1 James Roper
      1      1        1 Guillermo Lammers
      1      1        1 Evgeny Veretennikov
      1      1        1 everetennikov
      1      1        0 gosubpl
      1      0        0 Hyungsuk Yoon

Happy hakking!

– The Akka Team