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March 17


Akka Http 10.0.5 Released!

Dear hakkers,

we — the Akka HTTP committers — are happy to announce Akka Http 10.0.5, which is the fifth maintenance release of the Akka Http 10.0 series. It is primarily aimed at stability aligning the internals with the upcoming Akka 2.5 release. These steps are also the groundwork to enable Play to make use of Akka HTTP and the new Akka Streams materializer in the upcoming Play 2.6.

List of Changes


  • New docs and API for registering custom headers with JavaDSL (#761)
  • Ssl-config upgraded to 0.2.2, allows disabling/changing hostname verification (#943)
  • Don’t depend on Akka internal APIs, become compatible with Akka 2.5 (#877)
  • Make default exception handler logging more informative (#887)
  • now uses the materializer ExecutionContext if no other provided implicitly (#947)

Bug fixes:

  • Prevent longer-than-needed lingering streams by fixing DelayCancellationStage (#945)
  • Avoid redirect-loop when redirectToNoTrailingSlashIfPresent was used for root path (#878)

Compatibility notes

This version of Akka HTTP must be used with Akka in version at-least 2.4.17, however it is also compatible with Akka 2.5, which has just released its Release Candidate 1.

Akka HTTP 10.0.x will remain compatible with Akka 2.4.x and Akka 2.5.x during its lifetime, yet it may require the respective latest version of Akka itself. Since Akka guarantees binary compatibility in such versions, it is trivial to upgrade both projects in case you need to do so.

We encourage you to try out Akka 2.5 release candidate with this version, as the new completely redesigned materializer in Akka Streams can result in various performance and memory usage improvements across the board.

Akka 10.0.x is backwards binary compatible with previous 10.0.x releases and Akka 2.4.x. This means that the new JARs are a drop-in replacement for the old one (but not the other way around) as long as your build does not enable the inliner (Scala-only restriction). It should be noted that Scala 2.12.x is is not binary compatible with Scala 2.11.x.


A total 23 issues were closed since 10.0.4.

The complete list of closed issues can be found on the 10.0.5 milestones on github.

For this release we had the help of 13 contributors – thank you all very much!

commits  added  removed
     18    591      256 Johannes Rudolph
     12     52       56 Jonas Fonseca
      4    506        5 Josep Prat
      2     46       28 Aurélien Thieriot
      2     14        6 Sergey Shishkin
      1    118       27 Roman Tkalenko
      1     36       17 btomala
      1     14        4 Jakub Kozłowski
      1      2        1 Desmond Yeung
      1      1        1 WANG GAOXIANG (Eric)
      1      2        0 John Zhang
      1      1        1 Vova Molin
      1      1        1 Konrad `ktoso` Malawski

Happy hakking!

– The Akka Team