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February 23


Akka Http 10.0.4 Released!

Dear hakkers,

we — the Akka HTTP committers — are happy to announce the availability of the forth maintenance release of Akka HTTP 10.0.

This release is a monthly maintenance release which contains mostly bug fixes and smaller improvements.

We strongly recommend updating from 10.0.3 which introduced a regression that an Akka HTTP server can leak memory over time which will lead to OOM eventually. See #851 for more information.

In other news, the Akka Http Team welcomes @jlprat as an Akka Http committer!

List of Changes


  • Http message and header parser now also accepts LF as end of line (as recommended in the spec) (#106)
  • HttpApp now directly extends from Directives (#875)
  • Added HttpApp.startServer(host, port) for even simpler startup. (#873)
  • Multiplexer infrastructure was rewritten to support plugable StreamPrioritizer (not yet surfaced in user API) (f06ab40)
  • New documentation page about how to deal with the client-side max-open-requests exception (39f36dd)
  • Lots of small cleanups and improvements

Bug fixes

  • Fix a regression introduced in 10.0.3 that might lead to memory leaking after a server connection has been closed. (#851)
  • Fix the infamous “Cannot push/pull twice” bug which occurred in relation with 100-Continue requests (like any kind of uploads of POST requests done with curl) (#516)
Build + Testing Infrastructure
  • Updated Akka dependency to Akka 2.4.17. (#858)
  • Use .dilated for tests for better stability. (#194)
  • Fix MiMa to actually check compatibility against the latest released versions. (#870)
  • Throughout the code base @InternalApi, @ApiMayChange, and @DoNotInherit annotations have been added to give hints about the stability of interfaces. (#727)

Binary Compatibility

Akka 10.0.x is backwards binary compatible with previous 10.0.x releases and Akka 2.4.x. This means that the new JARs are a drop-in replacement for the old one (but not the other way around) as long as your build does not enable the inliner (Scala-only restriction). It should be noted that Scala 2.12.x is is not binary compatible with Scala 2.11.x.

Akka-Http will be binary and source compatible with the upcoming Akka 2.5 release.


In this release we have closed 14 tickets, with the help of 8 contributors– thank you all very much!

The complete list of closed tickets can be found on the 10.0.4 milestone on github.

commits  added  removed
     12   1311      180 Johannes Rudolph
      9    608      217 Josep Prat
      7    272      588 Jonas Fonseca
      1     72       46 Gaëtan Rizio
      1      3        3 Elliot Wright
      1      4        0 Adam Anderson
      1      2        2 Nafer Sanabria
      1      1        1 Jordan Gwyn

Happy hakking!

– The Akka Team