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May 14


Akka 2.1.4 Released!

Dear hAkkers,

We—the Akka committers—are pleased to be able to announce the availability of Akka 2.1.4. This is the fourth maintenance release of the 2.1 branch, containing documentation improvements and fixing several issues including:

  • CallingThreadDispatcher deadlock problems
  • Stack overflow while loading messages from persistent mailbox
  • More robust recovery in remoting in case of malformed messages
  • Proper deployment of typed actors

… and several smaller fixes

This release is backwards binary compatible with version 2.1.0, 2.1.1, and 2.1.2, which means that the new JARs are a drop-in replacement for the old ones (but not the other way around). Always make sure to use at least the latest version required by any of your project’s dependencies.


2.1.3 Release was broken because of a bug in the release scripts and build process, please use this release instead. There were no code changes between 2.1.3 and 2.1.4.

Known Issues

Due to the restriction imposed by binary compatibility—which is kept for the patch releases within a minor release such as 2.1.x—not all known issues can be fixed. The currently known issues in the 2.1.x series are:

  • ActorSystem.shutdown() does not terminate all threads if akka.remote.netty.use-dispatcher-for-io is set to true

Migrating from Older Releases

When migrating an existing project from Akka 2.0.x please have a look at our migration guide:

When migrating from the Akka 1.3.x series please follow first the migration guide towards version 2.0.5:

About the Cluster Support

The “akka-cluster” module is published under the name “akka-cluster-experimental” to emphasize that its status is not yet final. This denomination is not due to sub-par standard of the module; the cluster support has been tested thoroughly and it works as documented. The reason for the “experimental” tag is that this rather important module is now presented to the general public for the first time, and although we have received valuable feedback from early adopters we anticipate possible API changes in order to meet all of your requirements. Work is continuing on Akka’s cluster support, and we will formally declare it officially supported and stable with the next major release—Akka 2.2 ‘Coltrane’. Please help us make it the best possible solution by continuing to give feedback on the mailing list and telling us what can be improved.


The artifacts comprising this release have been published to and also to Maven Central. In addition, we adopted the sbt standard of encoding the Scala binary version in the artifact name, i.e. the core actor package’s artifactId is “akka-actor_2.10”.

2.1.4 compared to 2.1.2:

  • 12 tickets closed
  • 40 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)
  • … and a total of 5 committers!

Fixed Tickets:

  • 2911 DOC: IOManager error handling
  • 3163 DOC: Misplaced headings in cluster docs
  • 3180 Backport CallingThreadDispatcher fixes
  • 3182 Stack overflow when loading messages using persistent mailbox
  • 3220 backport fix for ActWithStash vs. lifecycle hooks
  • 3241 remoting breaks down with protobuf errors (truncated messages)
  • 3250 Backport: 3182 - Stack overflow when loading messages using persistent mailbox
  • 3276 actorSelection(/…) should start matching at rootGuardian
  • 3282 publish EPUB docs for 2.1.x
  • 3328 backport FSM.nextState memory retention fix
  • 3336 TypedProps ignores deployment options
  • 3338 2.1: update to genjavadoc 0.5


commits added removed
      7   131      49 Endre Sándor Varga
      7   110      14 Roland
      2    96      88 Björn Antonsson
      2    30       8 Viktor Klang
      1    15      14 Patrik Nordwall

Happy hAkking!