Note: Code examples in this blog post are out of date, see the Akka documentation for latest information on this topic.
In previous post we looked at the the Cluster and Receptionist for Akka Typed. In this post you will be introduced to the new typed APIs for Distributed Data, Cluster Singleton and Cluster Sharding. These features are still using the existing implementations from the untyped modules and they require that you run with the untyped ActorSystem as described in Akka Typed: Coexistence.
Distributed Data
The API for Distributed Data is very similar to the untyped API, with the difference that you have to pass the replyTo
actor reference in the messages as there is no sender
. Here is an example:
import akka.cluster.ddata.GCounter
import akka.cluster.ddata.GCounterKey
import akka.cluster.ddata.ReplicatedData
import akka.typed.ActorRef
import akka.typed.Behavior
import akka.typed.cluster.ddata.scaladsl.DistributedData
import akka.typed.cluster.ddata.scaladsl.Replicator
import akka.typed.scaladsl.Actor
import akka.typed.scaladsl.adapter._
object Counter {
sealed trait ClientCommand
final case object Increment extends ClientCommand
final case class GetValue(replyTo: ActorRef[Int]) extends ClientCommand
private sealed trait InternalMsg extends ClientCommand
private case class InternalUpdateResponse[A <: ReplicatedData](rsp: Replicator.UpdateResponse[A]) extends InternalMsg
private case class InternalGetResponse[A <: ReplicatedData](rsp: Replicator.GetResponse[A]) extends InternalMsg
val Key = GCounterKey("counter")
def behavior: Behavior[ClientCommand] =
Actor.deferred[ClientCommand] { ctx ⇒
// The ddata types still need the implicit untyped Cluster.
// We will look into another solution for that.
implicit val cluster = akka.cluster.Cluster(ctx.system.toUntyped)
val replicator: ActorRef[Replicator.Command] = DistributedData(ctx.system).replicator
// use message adapters to map the external messages (replies) to the message types
// that this actor can handle (see InternalMsg)
val updateResponseAdapter: ActorRef[Replicator.UpdateResponse[GCounter]] =
val getResponseAdapter: ActorRef[Replicator.GetResponse[GCounter]] =
Actor.immutable[ClientCommand] { (ctx, msg) ⇒
msg match {
case Increment ⇒
replicator ! Replicator.Update(Key, GCounter.empty, Replicator.WriteLocal, updateResponseAdapter)(_ + 1)
case GetValue(replyTo) ⇒
replicator ! Replicator.Get(Key, Replicator.ReadLocal, getResponseAdapter, Some(replyTo))
case internal: InternalMsg ⇒ internal match {
case InternalUpdateResponse(_) ⇒ Actor.same // ok
case InternalGetResponse(rsp @ Replicator.GetSuccess(Key, Some(replyTo: ActorRef[Int] @unchecked))) ⇒
val value = rsp.get(Key).value.toInt
replyTo ! value
case InternalGetResponse(rsp) ⇒
Actor.unhandled // not dealing with failures
Note that the messages such as Replicator.Update
are defined in akka.typed.cluster.ddata.scaladsl.Replicator
, but the actual CRDTs are the same as in untyped, for example akka.cluster.ddata.GCounter
Cluster Singleton
The API for Cluster Singleton is simplified compared to the untyped API. It is based on an extension that provides a single spawn
method that starts both the SingletonManager
and the SingletonProxy
. It returns an ActorRef
to the SingletonProxy
, which is used for sending messages to the singleton instance that is running somewhere (oldest node) in the cluster. You should call this ClusterSingleton.spawn
method on all nodes at system startup.
If the node doesn’t have the given role then only the proxy is started, and not the manager.
Here is an example of a global sequence number generator:
object SequenceNumberGenerator {
sealed trait Message
final case class Next(replyTo: ActorRef[Long]) extends Message
case object Stop extends Message
def generator(n: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()): Behavior[Message] = Actor.immutable {
// a real generator would perhaps store the counter with Distributed Data to
// be able to continue with next number after fail over
case (_, Next(replyTo)) =>
val next = n + 1
replyTo ! next
case (_, Stop) =>
and this is how to start the singleton manager and proxy:
val singletonProxy: ActorRef[SequenceNumberGenerator.Message] =
behavior = SequenceNumberGenerator.generator(),
singletonName = "seqNr",
props = Props.empty,
settings = ClusterSingletonSettings(typedSystem),
terminationMessage = SequenceNumberGenerator.Stop)
Cluster Sharding
The API for Cluster Sharding has also been simplified. You start the sharded type with the ClusterSharding
import akka.typed.cluster.sharding.ClusterSharding
import akka.typed.cluster.sharding.ClusterShardingSettings
behavior = BlogPost.shardingBehavior,
props = Props.empty,
typeKey = BlogPost.ShardingTypeName,
settings = ClusterShardingSettings(typedSystem),
maxNumberOfShards = BlogPost.MaxNumberOfShards,
handOffStopMessage = PassivatePost)
The BlogPost
actor is a persistent actor but we will not look at the details of that now. Persistent actors for Akka Typed will be described in a separate blog post in a few days.
The typeKey
is defined as:
val ShardingTypeName = EntityTypeKey[BlogCommand]("BlogPost")
This key is then used to retrieve an EntityRef
for a given entity identifier. Messages to a specific entity are then sent via this EntityRef
val postId = UUID.randomUUID().toString
val content = PostContent(postId, "Title...", "Body...")
val entityRef: EntityRef[BlogCommand] =
sharding.entityRefFor(BlogPost.ShardingTypeName, postId)
entityRef ! AddPost(content, addPostReplyAdapter)
Note that in above ClusterSharding.spawn
we are not defining any extractEntityId
or extractShardId
functions. Instead, the messages are sent in an envelope message that carry the entity identifier, and the shard identifier is derived from the entity id and the maxNumberOfShards
parameter with a simple hashing function. That means that the actual domain messages don’t have to include the entity id. This is what the EntityRef
is using under the hood. It has the entity id and can wrap the sent message in such an envelope.
It is still possible to define extractor functions and send messages directly to the shard region instead of using the EntityRef
, if you prefer that.
The full source code of these examples, are available in patriknw/akka-typed-blog.
Let us know what you think about these APIs. In the next blog post we will take a look at the typed APIs for Persistence.
This post is part of the "Akka Typed Cluster and Persistence" series. Explore other posts in this series:
- Akka Typed: New Cluster API
- → Akka Typed: New Cluster Tools API
- Akka Typed: New Persistence API