Saga patterns in Akka (part 5) - orchestration with workflows

7 minute read

In the first four parts of this series, we examined choreography-based Sagas. Most recently, in part 4, we tackled one of the trickiest challenges: dealing with poison messages and ensuring that a single failed event doesn’t block the entire process.

Now, in this final installment, we shift gears to orchestration-based Sagas. Unlike choreography, which relies on distributed event-driven workflows, orchestration introduces a more request-driven approach. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t mix the two strategies—more on that below.

The Akka ecosystem has a dedicated component called Workflow for business process orchestration. The plan for this part of the series is to rewrite the seat reservation process into a workflow-based Saga. I will not repeat the basics of the Workflow component, which are already described in the Workflows with Akka blog post. It’s better to focus more on the challenges of orchestration-based Sagas in general and in the context of Akka.

Seat reservation workflow

Just to recap, our workflow process has three main steps:

  1. seat reservation
  2. wallet charge
  3. reservation confirmation

Technically speaking, the last step is not mandatory in the orchestration-based solution. With a different domain model, we could remove it. Since we are reusing the same domain from the choreography-based implementation, we will support it. It won’t change the overall solution too much.

var reserveSeat = step(RESERVE_SEAT_STEP)
    .andThen(Response.class, this::chargeWalletOrStop);

var chargeWallet = step(CHARGE_WALLET_STEP)
    .andThen(Response.class, this::confirmOrCancelReservation);

var confirmReservation = step(CONFIRM_RESERVATION_STEP)
    .andThen(Response.class, this::endAsCompleted);

Any step can fail, but each type of failure requires a different strategy. Let’s start by grouping failures into two main categories:

  1. business failures
  2. infrastructure failures

Each known business failure should be handled explicitly. A good example can be a wallet charge request. If the response from the WalletEntity is a Failure (e.g. insufficient funds), we can immediately launch the compensation and cancel the reservation. In a real-world scenario, the response type should be verbose enough to easily choose the next step. Most likely, having only two options—Failure and Success—won't be enough to cover all possibilities, but for our case, it is good enough.

private TransitionalEffect confirmOrCancelReservation(Response response) {
    return switch (response) {
	    case Response.Failure failure -> {
            yield effects()
        case Response.Success __ -> effects()

Infrastructure failures are more tricky. In the case of a time-out exception from the WalletEntity, we don’t know if the wallet was actually charged or not. The first line of defense should be a retry mechanism. Maybe it was just a temporary glitch; after a few attempts, the WalletEntity might be healthy again and respond with some data.

An obvious conclusion is that all workflow step actions should be idempotent. We already know how to achieve this with a proper deduplication strategy, described in part 3 of the series.

If the infrastructure failure is permanent, we should stop retrying and tell Akka what our compensation step is.

return workflow()
    .addStep(chargeWallet, maxRetries(3).failoverTo(REFUND_STEP))
    //other steps

Compensation steps are like any other steps.

var cancelReservation = step(CANCEL_RESERVATION_STEP)
    .andThen(Response.class, this::endAsFailed);

var refund = step(REFUND_STEP)
    .andThen(Response.class, this::cancelReservation);

It’s our responsibility to keep track of what should be compensated after which workflow step. That’s why the workflow state SeatReservation not only stores data required to run workflow steps, but is also a state machine that reflects the progress of the business process.


After refunding, we also need to cancel the reservation. Other workflow solutions might automatically compensate all recorded steps, which binds step and compensation very tightly together.

In Akka, the developer has more freedom. It’s fine to compensate in the workflow with just one step. In the case of workflows with step loops, you don’t have to apply exactly the same number of compensations to recover the system.

One of the major challenges with compensation implementations is that they should be:

  • idempotent (like any other step action),
  • commutative,
  • and possibly infallible.

Commutativity requires special attention. Compensation steps should be applicable in any order. If the WalletEntity is not responsive to the charge call, it will, most likely, be the same for the refund call. This is problematic because the seat remains reserved. From the business perspective, it’s better to cancel the reservation first and then do (or try to do) the refund. The seat will become available again for other users.

Note: Switching the order in the current implementation might be a good homework exercise for the reader. 

That’s not all. A step call and corresponding compensation should be commutative between each other. In other words, our implementation should cover the situation where a refund comes before the actual charge. This itself deserves a separate blog post, but in the context of the Akka Workflow component and the underlying implementation of the Akka Event Sourced Entity, we can assume that the refund will not surpass the charge operation (with a reasonable timeout). That might not be the case when calling external systems.

After the timeout, we actually don’t know if the charge operation was successful or not, which brings us to the last property of the compensation action: infallibility. The refund implementation should take into consideration that the wallet may never be charged. An expenses map, Map<String,Expense> in our wallet domain could be a basic solution.

public record Wallet(String id, BigDecimal balance, Map<String, Expense> expenses, List<String> commandIds) {
  private Or<WalletCommandError, WalletEvent> handleRefund(Refund refund) {
    return expenses.get(refund.expenseId()).fold(
      () -> left(EXPENSE_NOT_FOUND),
      expense -> right(new WalletRefunded(id, expense.amount(), expense.expenseId(), refund.commandId()))

Note: the expenses collection will grow with time, so make sure that you apply some restrictions to it. Similar to the commandIds list used for deduplication.

The EXPENSE_NOT_EXISTS error will later be translated into a successful response from the WalletEntity.

Some step definitions may also try to be infallible. There is no point in creating compensation for the seat reservation confirmation step. A failure at this point is most likely a bug in the code, and the only thing we can do is apply a generic failover strategy for the entire workflow. This could be an additional end state that requires manual intervention by a system administrator.


In the previous implementation (choreography-based), we used six Akka components, five Consumers, and one View to implement our business process. All of this is replaced by one Workflow component. Does this mean that the Workflow is a replacement for event-driven choreography? Certainly not. Each solution has its own very specific advantages and disadvantages.

Choreography-based Saga

  • Positives:
    • Loose coupling: no central coordination, no single point of failure; each service operates independently and asynchronously
    • Evolution: keeping the published event contract stable might be easier than with a rapidly evolving synchronous API
    • Scalability: asynchronous communication is often more efficient and scalable than synchronous communication
  • Negatives:
    • Complexity: choreography-based flow can spread over too many services, making it hard to follow and understand. It’s difficult to get a holistic view of the system
    • No central control: hard to monitor the dependencies between services and business process failures
    • Troubleshooting: in case of failure, it’s more problematic to track and debug a single chain of events

Orchestration-based Saga

  • Positives
    • Centralized control: easier to monitor and manage the interactions between the microservices, as well as understand the overall process
    • Troubleshooting: a central coordinator allows for easier failure tracking and debugging
  •  Negatives:
    • Coupling: tighter coupling makes the system less scalable and resilient
    • Single point of failure: the central coordinator can be a single point of failure; stopping this service will stop the processing (Akka Workflows are guaranteed to run to completion)
    • Overhead: event-driven pipelines are usually characterized as more performant and less resource-demanding than synchronous calls from the coordinator
    • Evolution: in some cases, special strategies must be applied when deploying a new process version

An interesting observation is that some pros are cons (and vice versa), depending on the context: centralized vs. decentralized processing, high coupling vs. loose coupling. There is no winner in this battle.

Since it's very easy to use both in Akka, we should choose the best solution for a given problem. The full potential can be unleashed when we combine both solutions. For a Dead Letter Queue implementation from the fourth part, we could use a Workflow. Then, fast asynchronous event processing for the green path joins forces with synchronous processing for failure situations. On the other hand, some workflow steps can be triggered by Actions that subscribe to entity events. This way, we can switch from synchronous to asynchronous communication. I should mention that we are also planning to add more built-in event-driven capabilities to the Akka Workflows.

Thank you for reading this five-part series on Saga Patterns in Akka. I recommend analyzing the full source code behind this chapter. Running SeatReservationWorkflowTest from the part5 tag might be a good starting point. It’s also possible to switch between different Saga implementations by passing an appropriate mode: choreography or orchestration. Different components will be enabled for a given mode, but both solutions implement the same business flow.

To revisit the entire series, here are the links to each part:

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